Friday, May 13, 2011

Reset Button

I watched a movie around Christmas time about a man who kept messing up Christmas for his family. He had to relive the same day over and over again until he made all the right decisions. He had to treat everyone with respect and have the perfect day before he could move on to the next day. He was getting a chance to hit the reset button on bad decisions that he made. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all hit a reset button on life or at least when we make mistakes?

Guess what, we do have a reset button. The reset button has a name, Jesus Christ. PRAISE GOD!!! Jesus died so we can have a reset button. He forgives us and does not condemn us for our bad decisions. He helps us get out of the bad stuff we got ourselves into. I am so greatful for my reset button cause I would not be sitting here typing this blog if it were not for Him. When we believe that Jesus is the son of God and confess our wrongs, then we will be saved, made new. He loves us so much that He resets us and does not remember the wrong we did. 2 Corinthans 5:17 in the CEV Bible "Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new."


Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Be A Self-Controlled Wife

Being a wife is not easy. It is a role that takes a lot of patience and biting of the lip to keep from talking too much. However, sometimes my lip gets loose and starts moving so fast I don't realize it until after it has stopped. When my lip does that it forms words that I did not know existed in my mind. They are not curse words but hurtful words. If I am really upset my hand wants to join in the "fun" sometimes and start doing its own thing by slamming stuff around.

I have learned to train myself by letting love take over my heart. I take a moment to walk away then come back when I am ready to talk calmly. Sometimes, as women, we do not have to talk at all, but with our actions. Continue to show love to your husband even when he has made you upset, it will blow his mind. It takes a lot of self-control, faith and patience to do this. For example, your husband won't do something for you that you have been begging him to do. However, he keeps throwing his dirty clothes on the floor and all over the nice clean bedroom you just straightened up.

 Instead of yelling at him like you always do and get no results, try walking in the room without saying a word (and smile like you sincerely) then proceed to pick up his nasty clothes. After you get done give him a little peck on the cheek and a hug then walk out of the room. If it doesn't work the first time came keep doing it. Love never fails!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Be True to You

Are you true to yourself? Are you you all the time or do you change depending on the atmosphere?
Every place has a different atmosphere. Every home, for example, is not like yours. Every church is not like yours. Everyone is not always going to have the same opinion as you do. Therefore we should not become like everyone else because we do not have the confidence to be different in an environment. If you do not agree with something say so but do it in a respectful way. If you feel uncomfortable saying anything then just be an example instead of following the crowd. For example, there is a woman's meeting that is supposed to be a Christian environment but it turns into a gossip meeting. You shouldn't join in the gossip but say something about the women gossiping. If you do not feel comfortable correcting, then politely change the subject.

Do not compromise who you are to be a people pleaser, rather be a God pleaser. If you do not know God on that level get to know Him. Pray and ask Him to show you how to live a life that is pleasing to Him so you will not blow in the wind. Trying to people please will make you miserable, therefore please God so you will be filled with peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.

Be Thankful

The light bulb has finally cut on which is why I am able to write this blog. The things I understand and have been delivered from are what...