It is even more important that we strive to show love to God who sacrificed His son because of the love He has for us. Many of us forget to show that love for God because He is not seen.
This article is to help us show love to an unseen God. Here are three ways:
1. Spend time with Him
Let's be honest, there are some family members who we don't want to spend time with. Then there are some who we don't know and spending time with them is not priority. The best way to get to know them is to spend time.
When we spend time with people we don't know, a relationship grows, then comes love. We can spend time with God to get to know Him and our love for Him will grow. Talking to God, reading the Bible and going to church are the best ways to do this.
2. Loving others
God is a loving God who shows forgiveness and grace toward people. How much more should we do that? When we act like Him it is pleasing in His sight. Desiring to please God shows us that we love Him. When we treat others unjustly then it does not show God that we love Him.3. Behavior
One thing that I teach my kids is that they represent us, my husband and I, because we are their parents. When they are away from us, like school, they are to act like we are there. This shows us that they honor and love us because they want to represent us well.God feels the same way about us. We are made in God's image which means we are to act like God. Do we make mistakes? Yes but that's why God gives us grace and mercy. However, it is not to be taken advantage of. We shouldn't purposefully do something wrong thinking 'God will forgive me.' Remember God knows our hearts and He may feel it necessary to correct us for our behavior. He is our Father. He corrects us because He loves us and wants the best for us.
The scripture reverence for these three ways is 1 John 4:7-20 New Living Translation. I know this is long but this an awesome revelation. Please read the following scriptures. As you read I pray God reveals to you how you can love Him more through, spending time with Him, loving others and behavior.
7 Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.11 Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 12 No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.
13 And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. 14 Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.
God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. 17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.
18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. 19 We love each other because he loved us first.
20 If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? 21 And he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow believers.
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