Monday, January 9, 2017

How to Relate the Bible to You

Going through twelves years of school and then college may seem like a waste of time. Especially if knowing subjects like Geometry are not going to be relevant to you in the future. Then learning later in life wishing you had paid attention because your trying to measure for something for your house. This is just an example of how things may not seem like they are relevant but later they are.

Another example is in the movie The Karate Kid, "wax on, wax off" and "paint the fence".  The character was ready to learn karate but the teacher had him doing chores around his house. Not realizing the teacher was teaching him, the student got upset, the teacher showed him that the methods he was using were related to the karate.

We should not miss what we need to learn because we do not understand the lesson. The Bible, to so many, seems to not be relevant, but it is. There is an answer to everything in your life in the Bible. The Bible is relevant. Let's look at the examples below.

1. Everything in life is going wrong; Book of Job.

2. Trapped in a bad situation like a bad job relationship or living situation;  Daniel in the lions den

3. Bully at school, work or in life; David and Goliath

4. Need a job, spouse, car, advice about relationships. Help with your children; Psalms and Proverbs

5. How to be a good spouse; Ephesians 5   

 If you do not know where to find something that is relevant to your situation in the Bible, use other resources to help you find the right scripture for your situation. Many Bibles have topics in the back that list scripture references. There are websites like, The Bible Gateway, that let you search the Bible.
I could go on and on because it is exciting to know that God knew everything that was going to happen to us so He put in the Bible. It is our instruction manual for life. I encourage you to read your Bible on a daily basis. Start off small with only fifteen minutes or one to two chapters. Don't be afraid to highlight and underline, take notes on what you read. Pick one scripture a day to meditate on, God will speak to you through out the day as you do. Your understanding will grow as you do this on a daily basis. There is something about everything in the Bible.

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