Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Eat Your Veggies Before Dessert

My husband and I exchanges stories on how we learn a lot about ourselves from our children. God uses them to show us how we are. After all, God is our Father in heaven and we are His children.
God used my son the other day at dinner to show me something.

He is a typical six year old boy who loves to eat anything high in sugar. I fixed a delicious dish that my husband, my four daughters and I ate with no problem. A couple of my daughters went back for seconds it was so delicious. My son says he wasn't hungry, nothing was wrong, he was just busy playing with his new legos. It came time for my daughters to eat dessert which was chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. My son suddenly becomes hungry and rightfully ask for dinner but only wanted a little. I fixed him a little bit and he willfully ate a few bites then was full, but ready for dessert. Of course I tell him to finish his dinner then he can have dessert. He thought he was clever by asking for only a little bit of the healthy stuff then go to the yummy stuff when he was ready.

I thought about it for a while and God showed me that is how we are as His children. We want to go straight to the dessert without going through the process of eating the healthy things first. Basically, we want to go straight to God's promises without going through the process of being ready for them. God is not going to give us anything that is going to hurt us. If He gives us our wants before we are ready then it could hurt us more then help us. We must go through the process, which might be uncomfortable, but to prepare us for the good stuff.

Let's get back to my son and his eating desserts. I want to give my son all the desserts his little stomach can hold but is it good for him? No it is not and God feels the same way about the things we want. He knows our hearts. He knows our future. He is our Father and He knows what is best for us. Trust Him and His love for you. Remember to eat your veggies before dessert.

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