Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Winning While Losing

My energetic, seven year old son plays baseball and this is only his second season of playing. He is naturally talented at playing this sport so he got the the responsible position of catcher. At first he struggled with catching the ball consistently. My husband, being the awesome dad he is, started practicing with him. My son improved tremendously.

The next game we were losing pretty bad as far as the score goes but in spirit we were winning. Almost every member of my sons team was having the game of their life including my son. They batting, running the bases and catching great. My son caught a pop up ball that didn't count but he was celebrating anyhow. We, the parents, were still celebrating the kids.

At the end of the game I realized what God was showing me. He showing me that even though circumstances will sometimes make it seem like we're losing, we are really winning. The Bible says “The righteous see it and rejoice, And all iniquity stops its mouth. Whoever is wise will observe these things, And they will understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.” Psalms 107:42-43 NKJV
The, righteous aka the believers aka us, see God's goodness and rejoice. When we rejoice iniquity stops harassing. Rejoice for all God has done and be so focused on the good that the problems will seem to go away. For example, a person's car can break down and they don't know how they are going to get to work. They tell a friend about their situation and the friend offers them rides or knows someone who has a car they can borrow. The person should rejoice, they don't have car but they still have a way. Just as in my son's game, they were losing but still winning. 

Take a moment to rejoice in the areas you are winning in. Focus on those instead of the areas you are losing in and your problems will not harass you. You will be at peace and before you know it the problem will be resolved. 

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