Monday, December 21, 2015

Taking In

When children are at the toddler age, we try teach them the basics like the alphabet and counting. They learn the basic sounds because we want them to take in those foundations so that they will have it by the time they reach kindergarten. We also keep them from watching everything from television and listening to all types of music. We watch children's television with them because the adult television is too much to take in. They can not handle it.

Fast forward to adult hood, we still have to watch what we take in. Taking in to much negative talk from others will challenge how we view things. Our minds will battle between negative and positive thoughts. For example, you might have a desire to go back to school to get a degree but aren't sure if you should. You believe you can do the school as well as work full time but then you have friends and maybe some familiar members who say you are going to flunk out. They call you slow and say your never going to achieve anything. Now, you are confused because you have taken in those negative thoughts and they are going to turn you into a slow person.

Another way we take in things is still through music and television. This is a hard pill to swallow, I know, believe me. I'm a woman who loves music but I know I can't listen to all types of music anymore.

Testimony: I was a teenager sitting on the couch with a young man. We were hanging out, watching television. We started listening to music. At we were listening to gospel music, now two teenagers who know right from wrong are not comfortable making-out to gospel music. However, once we turned it on some slow jams, it was full speed ahead make out session. Why? Because we took in the emotions from the lyrics.

At this point you're probably thinking, I can't enjoy anything? I'm not saying you can't enjoy anything but don't fill your heart up with it. Beaware of what you are listening to and watching. If you are dealing with trying to stop drinking, then stop listening to and watching things that talk about drinking alcohol is cool. If you're confused about your marriage then stop listening to and watching negative things about marriage. Don't keep taking in what you are trying to get rid of. Take in what is going to get rid of the negative thing and that is Jesus. Read your Bible more, go to church, watch church on television. Take in the things of God and you will overcome what it is your battling. The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.

Basically this scripture is saying, what you take in, is what comes out. Feed your spirit positive things. Feed your spirit things of God. What flows out of you will be better than you were before. The Bible is full of wisdom, love, creative ideas, positivity. It's full of answers. Matthew 6:33 But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.

God has everything we need. When we are filled up with Him, our life changes for the better. As the scripture says we have to strive after it though, no matter what comes our way, strive after God and the springs of life will flow.

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