Friday, February 19, 2010

Exercising and Eating Right Works

Hello everyone. It is Friday and it is the weekend. It is also close to the end of the second month of the year. Is everyone sticking to their weight loss goals? If you are getting frustrated about a slow weight loss then try some of these steps that have helped me.

1. Get up earlier to work out. 

It give you a lot more energy through out the day. If getteing up earlies is not possible then try setting a set schedule to work out helps. My kids know my schedule and they leave me alone when I am doing my 30 to 45 min workout. I also stick strickly to the days. I work out five days a week. The days I do not work out are Sundays and Wednesdays. Saturdays is my "last chance work out" when I go at it hard.

2. Cut back on sugar. 

I went cold turkey on sugar for two weeks and substituted it for fruit. A green apple a day helps me cut the sweet tooth cravings. Find a fruit for you that will help do that. Now I do not have a desire for that many sweets. After two weeks my body was used to not having it.

3. Cut back on carbs. 

Only eat one serving of bread a day. Some people might have to go cold turkey in this area as well. Bread and pasta turn into sugar. So also watch the intake on pasta. Eat more protein foods like chicken without the skin. Protein helps to get you fool faster and is great for toning muscles.

4. Watch what you drink. 

Drink plenty of water and only drink one glass of another liquid a day. Drinks have calories and sugars as well. So if you are eating right and exercising but still drinking soda with every meal, STOP. This will make a huge difference in your weight. Try drinking green tea and if you do not like the taste add one drop of honey.

These are a few tips that have helped me. I have lost five pounds and I am half way toward my goal of ten pounds. Remember our body is a temple of the Lord. We belong to Him. Look at it like giving your child or someone you love an expensive gift but a week later they break it and it is torn up. It hurts doesn't it? That is how God feels about us when we do not take care of ourselves. Remember God loves you therefore you should love yourself.

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