Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Road Closed

Driving to work I passed a sign that said road closed. I kept thinking, I can't wait till that road opens because it is going to be great. It's going to be a short cut but I know it is closed right now for protection. Instead of complaining I started being grateful that the construction were smart enough to put that sign up to help others.

My mind drifted on how God protects us from things. Sometimes God corrects us through other people and tough circumstances. It feels like we are taking the long way around but really God is protecting us because the short cut isn't ready yet.

We don't like correction but it is necessary. Sometimes we want to drive through the road closed sign and go down the dangerous road anyway. But when that happens the road is rough with pot holes that can cause flat tires. We make the situation more costly for ourselves by ignoring the road closed sign.

We must wait on the smooth road to open up for us. This is the way God planned. This is the way He worked hard for us to take. He paved this way for us. Wait on God to direct you down the road you need to go on. His way is safer.

Meditation: Think about things in your life God keep telling Road Closed or may He is telling you road open. This could apply to your job, a relationship, a church, health or maybe just your relationship with Him. Be obedient to the direction God is giving you in these areas.

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